Stitches used in this kit
Watch the video or click the stitch diagram to be taken to the full tutorial!

Bring needle UP at 1. Insert needle DOWN at 2 making a stitch backwards along the line to meet last stitch. Come UP at 3 a stitch length away from 1. Continue along line.
Fishbone Stitch

Woven Wheel Rose Stitch

Step 1: 5 straight stitches - Bring needle UP at 1. Insert needle DOWN at 2 making a stitch. Continue making 5 "spokes" of a wheel, all meeting in the middle.
Step 2: Weave - Switch to a thicker thread (ex. change from 3 strands of floss to 6). Bring needle UP at the center of the wheel behind one of the "spokes" (1). In a counter-clockwise motion, begin weaving by skipping the next spoke, then guiding the needle under the spoke after that. Continue weaving around the spokes until you reach the end of the spokes. Bring the needle DOWN behind the end of one of the spokes (2).
Tip: The looser you weave, the fluffier the "petals" appear.
Lazy Daisy Stitch
Bring the needle UP at 1 near center point mark. Insert needle DOWN at 2 through same hole as 1. In the same motion, come UP at 3. Loop floss under needle and pull needle through the loop. Make a tiny stitch over loop, securing loop in place (4). Come UP at 5. Continue making stitches around center point.
Trellis Stitch with Cross Stitch Couching

Step 1: Trellis stitch - Bring needle UP at 1. Insert needle DOWN at 2 making a long stitch across the entire length of the shape. Come UP at 3 and continue making long, evenly-spaced, parallel stitches across the shape. After filling the space, continue in the same way, making long, evenly-spaced stitches that are perpendicular to the original stitches. Continue until the space is filled in the new direction.
Step 2: Cross stitch couching - Hold the long trellis stitches in place with cross stitches. Come UP at 1 on the left side of where two trellis stitches cross. Insert the needle DOWN at 2 on the right side of the cross. Come UP at 3 at the bottom of the cross. Insert the needle DOWN at 4 at the top of the cross. One cross stitch is complete. Compe UP at 5 and continue making cross stitches at every place where the trellis stitches cross.
French Knot Stitch
Bring needle UP at 1. Point needle away from fabric. Wrap floss around the needle twice. Now point the needle towards fabric and insert needle point at 2, a few fabric threads from 1. Pull floss snug against needle and fabric. Slowly pull needle DOWN to back of fabric until knot is secure.